AMA Initial Profiles

medical professional with glasses

Comprehensive physician information, including education, training, board certifications, state license data and more.

Initial Physician Profile

An AMA Physician Profile (aka initial profile) provides comprehensive physician information, including education, training, board certifications, state license data and more. Initial profiles are often used by a health care organization to confirm physician-submitted information when applying for clinical privileges at that organization. It is also used by payers to validate physician information for reimbursement and/or provider enrollment.

Primary source verification requirements

The AMA verifies with the primary source the following elements:

Download this document for a more detailed description of how AMA Physician Professional Data™ (formerly known as Masterfile) is used throughout the AMA Physician Profiles.

The AMA Physician Professional Datathe source of AMA Physician Profile data—meets select primary source verification requirements of the following organizations:

AMA is an official licensee of American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS®) data. As such, the AMA is designated as an official ABMS display agent and serves as a provider of primary source equivalent ABMS specialty board certification data. That data, which is updated weekly, includes the following:

A summary of how data elements within AMA Profiles meet the standards of the accrediting bodies can be found here, including the AMA Physician Professional Data elements that the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) has approved as a source for verification.

Download an important file containing acceptance of AMA Physician Professional Data from TJC, NCQA, and AAAHC, as well as an ABMS statement on AMA as an official display agent.