A citation guide for Chicago Style 17th Edition. Includes Author-Date style and Notes & Bibliography style.
U.S. Congress. House. Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act. 112th Cong., 2d sess., H. Rep.112-445. https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CHRG-111hhrg50208/html/CHRG-111hhrg50208.htm.
1. U.S. Congress, House, Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, 112th Cong., 2d sess., H. Rep.112-445, https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CHRG-111hhrg50208/html/CHRG-111hhrg50208.htm.
Legal documents are only cited in the footnotes or within the text of your paper; they are not cited in the bibliography (unless the case is included in a secondary publication such as a book, in which case you would cite the book in the bibliography).
1. Brown v. Board of Education, 347 U.S. 483 (1954).
Bills and resolutions are only cited in the footnotes or within the text of your paper; they are not cited in the bibliography (unless the bill/resolution is included in a secondary publication such as a book, in which case you would cite the book in the bibliography).
1. Anti-Phishing Act, H.R. 1099, 109th Cong. (2005).
Fletcher, Thomas C. Report of the Special Commission Appointed to Investigate the Affairs of the Red Cloud Indian Agency, July, 1875: Together with the Testimony and Accompanying Documents. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1875.
1. Thomas C. Fletcher, Report of the Special Commission Appointed to Investigate the Affairs of the Red Cloud Indian Agency, July, 1875: Together with the Testimony and Accompanying Documents (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1875): 25.
Statutes are only cited in the footnotes or within the text of your paper; they are not cited in the bibliography (unless the statute is included in a secondary publication such as a book, in which case you would cite the book in the bibliography).
1. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Pub. L. No. 104-191, § 264, 110 Stat.1936.