Apply to become a consumer credit broker

If you want to engage in regulated activities as a consumer credit broker, you need to be authorised by us. Find out how to apply for authorisation.

On this page

Read everything listed below

Start with our main 'how to apply' page for all firms

Prepare your application

Include your business plan and other supporting material

Pay the application fee

You must pay this in order to apply

Submit your application

You'll do this on our Connect system

This page is for:

You'll need to demonstrate that you can consistently deliver good outcomes for retail consumers. Make sure you read everything below before you apply to ensure that your application goes smoothly.

What to read first

Our how to apply page explains:

You must read this page in full before submitting your application through our Connect system.

Refer to the other page in this section that's relevant to your type of firm. This has extra information on what to include in your application, and the permissions you may need to apply for:

Along with your application form, you'll need to provide a range of supporting documentation depending on your type of firm. This includes your:

Check what supporting material you need to include.

Review the letters we've sent to your sector.

This includes our Dear CEO letter that focuses on how you should implement our Consumer Duty, which requires your firm to put its customers’ needs first.

Our how to apply page explains:

You must read this page in full before submitting your application through our Connect system.

Refer to the other page in this section that's relevant to your type of firm. This has extra information on what to include in your application, and the permissions you may need to apply for:

Along with your application form, you'll need to provide a range of supporting documentation depending on your type of firm. This includes your:

Check what supporting material you need to include.

Review the letters we've sent to your sector.

This includes our Dear CEO letter that focuses on how you should implement our Consumer Duty, which requires your firm to put its customers’ needs first.

Prepare your application

You'll submit your application through our Connect system, so make sure you register.

Your application must include your:

Limited or Full Permission

You'll either have to apply for Limited Permission or Full Permission, depending on the regulated activities you engage in and the circumstances in which you carry them out.

You'll select one of these options when you start your application on Connect.

Limited Permission firms only carry out certain credit-related activities, so are subject to fewer threshold conditions (our minimum standards) than other firms. All other firms are Full Permission firms. Whether you're applying for Limited or Full Permission, the application process is the same.

How to determine whether you need Limited or Full Permission

If you're already authorised to carry on non-consumer credit activities (eg you're an insurance or mortgage broker), you'll continue to be a Full Permission firm regardless of which consumer credit activities you carry on.

If you don’t hold any other permissions, you'll be Limited Permission if you only carry on the regulated activity of credit broking in the following circumstances:

  1. Your main business activity isn't credit broking (or any other regulated activity excluding consumer hire); AND
  2. You intend to conduct credit broking for the purpose of, or in connection with:
    1. selling your own goods, or
    2. a service that you supply to customers; AND


    1. You'll only ever introduce customers to lenders for the purpose of the customer entering into consumer hire and/or hire purchase agreements; AND
    2. You don't engage in the regulated activities of debt adjusting or debt counselling (these are activities brokers typically engage in when they help customers end one or more credit agreements, eg when advising on debt consolidation loans or part exchanging vehicles that are already subject to finance)


    Broking Green Deal Plans
    You only introduce customers to lenders that offer Green Deal plans, as defined in the Energy Act 2011.

    Common misunderstandings about Limited Permission

    Remember that if none the criteria above apply to your firm, you'll be a Full Permission firm.

    Here are some common scenarios in which applicants apply to be Limited Permission by mistake – if any of these points apply to you, you'll be a Full Permission firm:

    Application fee

    You have to pay a fee to submit your application. The fee is non-refundable.

    If you're applying for:

    Find out more about our authorisation fees, including our pricing categories and how to pay.

    Final check and submit

    Before you submit everything on Connect, give it one more check to be sure you've included everything.

    Our how to apply page has 3 top tips to ensure your application goes smoothly, and explains what happens after you've submitted it.

    If you need more help

    Please contact us on 0300 500 0597. We're open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 9am to 5pm, and Thursday 9.45am to 5pm.