This program regulates fertilizers, soil conditioners, and plant amendments sold in Colorado for agricultural and home use. Product labels and advertisements are monitored for false or misleading statements. Fertilizers are sampled by our inspectors and tested by our Bio-Chemistry Laboratory to verify the listed ingredients.
Laurel Hamling
Fertilizer Program Administrator
Anhydrous Ammonia Safety Sampling & Analysis Fertilizer Label RequirementsThe 2020-2023 Fee Schedule has been approved and may now be viewed.
AgLicense records show 686,973 tons of fertilizer distributed in Colorado during the calendar year 2022.
AgLicense records show 806,557 tons of fertilizer distributed in Colorado during the calendar year 2021.
Colorado registers all labels classified as fertilizers, soil conditioners/amendments, plant amendments, and seed treatments. Potting soils are exempt. Tonnage reports are due once per year in January for the previous calendar year of distribution.
All product registrations and tonnage reports are submitted online via Colorado's AgLicense system. If you do not have an online AgLicense account, contact us.
The produce label registration fee is $40 per product regardless of the package size. The minimum tonnage fee is $50 per registrant; this minimum fee also applies to -0- tonnage reports.
The tonnage fee for fertilizer is $1.10/ton. This includes a $1.00 Groundwater Protection Program Fee. Further information on the Department's Agricultural Water Quality Program is found here
The tonnage fee for soil conditioners and plant amendments is $0.10/ton. No Groundwater Protection Program Fee is assessed on soil conditioners and plant amendments.
The tonnage fee for fertilizers sold in packages of ten pounds or less is $0.01025/lb
Revised Fertilizer, Soil Conditioner, and Plant Amendment rules became effective July 30, 2022. The rules may be viewed by following the Code of Colorado Regulations link Further information can be found in Frequently Asked Questions.
Information for fertilizer retailers on the necessary documentation needed for an inspection
Fertilizer test results from the CDA Biochemistry Lab
The Fertilizer Institute (TFI) - TFI is the leading voice in the fertilizer industry, representing the public policy, communication, and statistical needs of producers, manufacturers, retailers, and transporters of fertilizer.
Forms and Downloads
Complete the following steps for Fertilizer and/or Soil Conditioner/Plant Amendment registration in Colorado:
Registration Fees
Tonnage Fees
Tonnage fees are collected annually for the previous 12 months, January-December. Registrants will report and pay tonnage online by February 15th. If unable to report and pay online, please call the office at (303) 869-9103 within the 45-day period ending February 15 each year, or the late penalty fee of 10% of the distribution fee, or $50.00 (whichever is greater) will be assessed.
Registration Fees
Tonnage Fees
Tonnage fees are collected annually for the previous 12 months January-December. Registrants will report and pay tonnage online by February 15th. A late penalty fee of 10% of the distribution fee, or $50.00 (whichever is greater) will be assessed.
For more information on tonnage reporting, go to the Frequently Asked Questions page.
Please contact Laurel Hamling with any questions.