A Project Report On Online Job Portal
Job portal is an application which connects employer and job seekers where employers are the source of the resources and the job seeker can find and apply for their targeted job. This document provides details about the entire software requirement specification for the online job portal.
- This Job Portal website is providing to the online job portal system.
- This website can be also providing information about online job.
- The customer can get the online registration.
- The Job Portal web application can be used by any employee to apply job and any employer are post to job.
Drawback of Existing system
- Existing system are a failing in providing quick operation
- Cost is high as well.
- Processing very lengthy and time consuming.
- More time consume for before generation.
Need for new System
1. Proposed Job Portal system consists of 3 modules: Job Seeker, Employer and Administrator.
2. Online Job Portal will provide the fast operation and low cost expense than old system.
3. Easy job search, which is a job seeker need
Operating System : Window XP, Windows 7
Front –End : HTML, Java Script, PHP
Back-End : PHP, MYSQL
Supporting Server : Apache Tomcat 5.5 , WampServer
Hardware Requirement
Processor : Intel Pentium IV,2.4 GHz
RAM : 512 MB
Hard Disk Drive : 40 GB
Video : 800*600,1024*768 256 colors
Data flow diagram
First level DFD (continue)
Data dictionary
Employees Table
Ee.id | Int(4) | NO | Auto increment | YES |
Ee_fnm | Varchar(40) | NO | – | NO |
Ee_pwd | Varchar(10) | NO | – | NO |
Ee_gender | Varchar(1) | NO | – | NO |
Ee_email | Varchar(30) | NO | – | NO |
Ee.Add | Varchar(300) | NO | – | NO |
Ee_phno | Varchar(10) | NO | – | NO |
Ee_mobileno | Varchar(10) | NO | – | NO |
Ee_current_location | Varchar(20) | NO | – | NO |
Ee_annual_salary | Int(10) | NO | – | NO |
Ee_current_industry | Varchar(20) | NO | – | NO |
Ee_qualification | Varchar(10) | NO | – | NO |
Ee_profile | Varchar(10) | NO | – | NO |
Ee_resume | Longtext | NO | – | NO |
Employers table:
Er_id | Int(4) | NO | Autoincreament | YES |
Er_fnm | Varchar(30) | NO | – | NO |
Er_pwd | Varchar(10) | NO | – | NO |
Er_company | Varchar(30) | NO | – | NO |
Er_add | Varchar(100) | NO | – | NO |
Er_ph | Varchar(10) | NO | – | NO |
Er_email | Varchar(30) | NO | – | NO |
Er_company_profile | Varchar(300) | NO | – | NO |
Contact table
Job table
Application table:-
Category Table:-
Screen Shots
Job Portal Home Page
Employee Registration Page
Admin Page
Manage Job Page
Add Category Page
Recent Contact Page
Job Post Page
Related Projects
Categories CSE Projects, MCA Projects, Php Projects
55 Replies to “A Project Report On Online Job Portal”
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riya says:
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Torma says:
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Nishant says:
Plz send full source code
Rinchu Maria says:
can u plz send me the source code
Akshay kuril says:
Please send me full source code on my email
Parvathy says:
Actually I need your help… I want to complete my Degree mega project within 2months…and I choosed “online job portal”.Can you please send me its source code In c# to my mail…
Dhanashri says:
Please provide me source code
Rajshri says:
please send full source code
lucky singh says:
Plz send full source code
Mastanbi says:
Please send me complete documentation
prajwal shetty says:
please sent full source code to my email
Adnan says:
Please sent me the full source code of this project on my Email
k vikram kumar says:
Plz send me source code to me.
philipos sisay says:
please sent me the full source code
devki shukla says:
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Manojkumar says:
Please send me full project with documentation
Adnan says:
Sir Please send me this project
Amit says:
Plz send me source code
Zeeshan Ali says:
thank you so much,these is such a very important thing for me
Abi says:
Please send me source code of this project to my email
pavi says:
please send me source code of this project to my email
pavi@ says:
please send me source code of this project
jane says:
hi, do we get the code and database components for this project? thanks
Sheuli says:
Plz send me the source code of this online job portal
amit says:
Please send me full source code on my email
saidurga says:
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srikanth says:
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rithvik says:
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Muzna says:
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Olawale kabiru says:
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george says:
I need the source code.
Muzna says:
Please send me the source code of this project on my email address
Jenny Don says:
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Rohan says:
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Nivi says:
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Saravana kumar says:
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yogesh kumar says:
Plz send this project…i need this project on urgent basis. So send me project as soon as possible. Thank you
harsha pasagada says:
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Dappy O'Neil says:
Kindly help send the source code sir… Thank you.
Dato1234 says:
Please provide me with the source code via my email
Rithu says:
Please send me the source code!!
megha says:
Thank you so much.This types of projects helps us so much. please send me source code of this project.
Godson Nchy says:
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Musthafa says:
please send me the link to the source code please
Aakash Verma says:
Send me the source code please.
Nitin Kanade says:
sir, please provide source code for online-job-portal
nitin kanade says:
sir please provide source code for Online job portal
Sanju says:
Dharshini says:
please provide source code for online job portal
Akhil Reddy says:
[email protected] , mobile no: 8639285936
contact this mail rs 1000 with source code and documentation
Manjunath DB says:
Please send me the source code
akram says:
Please send me the source code
Yojana N says:
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momm says:
Please send me the source code of this online job portal
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